
From € 150.00 order value we deliver free of charge within Austria!

Bestellungen aus unserem Shop werden innerhalb von Österreich ab einem Bestellwert von € 150,– völlig versandkostenfrei zugestellt. Für alle Bestellungen unter einem Bestellwert von € 150,– fallen nach Österreich ein Betrag von € 12,60 für Versandkosten an.

Unless otherwise agreed, delivery will be made from the warehouse to your specified delivery address. The risk passes to the customer as soon as the delivery is handed over to the customer by the delivering parcel or postal service.

What are the costs for deliveries to Germany?

Die Versandkosten betragen nach Deutschland € 15,60.
From an order value of € 200,- free shipping to Germany.

How long does the delivery take?

Orders within Austria are usually delivered within 1-2 working days after they have been dispatched by us. Shipments to Germany are usually delivered after 2 - 3 working days after they have been sent by us. Shipments destined for the rest of Europe are usually delivered 3-5 working days after they have been dispatched from us.

Problems with delivery?
If you have problems with the delivery, just contact us directly:

Phone: +43 664 1225639 (Mon – Fri, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.)

What to do if the package disappeared?
If your package hasn't arrived after 1 week and it hasn't been handed over to your neighbor either, then it's best to get in touch with us. We will then check the whereabouts of your package and - if it should be necessary - issue an investigation order. We will also inform you immediately if the package has to be sent a second time in a specific case.

What if I wasn't at home when the delivery was made?
If you were not at home when your package was delivered, there are two options:

A second delivery attempt can be made by the parcel service.
You will receive a notification that your package could not be delivered and has therefore been deposited at the nearest post office.
Otherwise, simply use the option to specify a delivery address that differs from your usual address during the ordering process. This means that your package can also be delivered to your workplace, for example.

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